September 14, 2024

Design #207

Design:  #207

Date Designed:  1903

Designer:  Artus Van Briggle

Description:  Mauve glaze over plain pot with 2 handles. Reported date of 1907.  

Dimensions:  3″ height

Other:  Bottom markings unavailable

Collection:  Courtesy of Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum

Design:  #B207

Date Designed:  1903

Designer:  Artus Van Briggle

Description:  Plain design with light turquoise glaze.  Glaze covered Double-A, Van Briggle, date of 1903, and Roman Numeral III, indicating clay type.

Dimensions:  3″ height

Other:  Rather unusual lettering “B” preceeding the Design #207.  Lettering A, B, C, D & E after the Design number indicate sizes; the same designations Artus had seen used at Rookwood Pottery.

Collection:  Courtesy of a Private Collector.


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