March 7, 2025

Design #61

VB Design #61 by Anne Gregory Van Briggle
Base shows the Double-A, VAN BRIGGLE, 1902 & Clay type III,
with Design #61 impressed



Design:  #61 Vase

Date Designed:  1902

Designer:  Anne Gregory Van Briggle

Description:  Stylized roses around the top.  Light Brown glaze covering the vase, with Green over spray on roses around the rim.  Vertical stems with thorns on three sides of the vase.  Bottom markings include incised Double-A, Van Briggle,  date of 1902, Clay type III, and the impressed Design #61.

Dimensions:  13″ height

Other:  Magnificent example produced the first year of the design.

Collection:  Photos Courtesy of gerald_clough

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